Chicago Comic Con 2010
I’ll be attending Chicago Comic Con 2010 this weekend (formerly Wizard World Chicago) in Rosemont, Il. I’ll be in Artist Alley at booth #3116 selling copies of @$$hole!, Reading with Pictures (featuring an 8-page story from me. And the book is appropriate for all ages!), sketch cards, prints, and commissions.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a link to my Wizard World Profile!
There will be a bunch of celebrity guests in attendance, as well as some cool comic artists. I’ll be sharing booth space with Rival Angels creator Alan Evans, as well as several great comic creators / Reading with Pictures contributors including Russell Lissau, John Bivens, and Steve Wallace.
Will there be a comic made out of this weekend? Most likely!
Scott (the man who made this very fine website that you’re on right now) will be on hand as well, and probably taking some pictures. I’m coming up with a story already for the show, so @$$hole! can get back on schedule.
As much as people tend to rip on Wizard, I always have fun at their shows – and you should stop by and have fun with us! Hope to see you there!
I went dressed as rogue and forgot my camera. I was with a guy dressed as bishop. Do you happen to have a pic of us?
Sadly I mostly took pictures of the goofy hi-jinks that went on behind the tables. Not many pictures of cosplayers in there, I’m afraid.