@$$hole!: Haunted Cabin 21

 In web comics

First off, I’d like to say “Happy VD” in post to everyone. And for the single among you, “Happy Singles Awareness Day.”

Yeah, I remember this holiday sucking quite a bit when I was single. Now that I’m dating, well…it’s a fine holiday, but the office job keeps me too busy to do much during the week. Sadly, girlfriends don’t often give you a pass for such things. See this bald guy here? Yeah, he’s in the dog house a little right now. Thanks, steady paycheck…. 😛

Anyway, back to the comic. So Devil-T is totally macking on Robo-Sarah’s head…which is funny, because when we were first introduced to her, drunk Trevor was doing the same thing.

Sounds like what Robo-Sarah is talking about is pretty dire. We’ll find out more on Friday. And speaking of Friday….


Anime Milwaukee is this weekend, and the show has finally posted my panel schedule – which I shall share with you below:

An Evening with Trevor Mueller (Panel Room B): 9:30pm – 10:45pm
-A hilarious night telling silly stories about con experiences gone wrong, ways not to meet celebrities, and overall life hijinks. A good time for all – but try not to bring the kiddies.

Writing Comics 101 (Subprogramming Room): 8am-9:30am
-Learn the basics of three-act structure, how to work with an artist, and how to get that story idea into pitch form

Making Webcomics (Panel Room B): 9am-10:15am
-Learn from webcomic pros Trevor Mueller and Alan Evans (Rival Angels) on how you can make your own webcomic, from start to finish

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