@$$hole!: Trevor in Space 2
I guess it’s true what they say… in space, no one CAN hear you scream.
Unless you’re watching Prometheus. Then your screams will be loud enough to overcome the lack of oxygen in space, and will travel the cosmos reaching being far beyond our solar system. But I digress….
I’ve always thought it would be cool to go to the moon, or travel into space. However, the more I’ve read about space the less I’d like to be there without artificial gravity or something. It sounds like being “weightless in space” is like being in a state of freefall. In my mind, this means it’s like you’re constantly on a rollercoaster going down the big hill. While this would be fun and exhilarating for a while, it would be tough when trying to do normal everyday stuff. Like eating, or sleeping.
However, maybe I’m wrong and the sensation is not what I’m envisioning. The only way to find out would be to experience it for real. And while there are several commercial space tourism options available, it’s such an expensive endeavor that they don’t even list the pricing options on the website.
Despite all that, we’re going to explore some of these normal every day space items in the next update. See you then!