Happy New Year!

 In comics

2012 has come and gone. I had a lot of comic work come out in 2012:

  • @$$hole! vol 1 (graphic novel)
  • Albert the Alien – Hall Monitor (floppy)
  • Albert the Alien – Movies (floppy)
  • Updated @$$hole! webcomic

And I have a lot of fun projects already on the slate for 2013:

  • Reading with Pictures vol 2 (graphic novel)
  • Albert the Alien (webcomic)
  • Albert the Alien vol 1 (graphic novel)
  • Aw Yeah Comics (floppy)

Additionally, I entered into the Top Cow Talent Hunt. I submitted not one, but three different story pitches. I will be sharing some of the work on those in the coming months, after Top Cow has made their official announcements (likely in February). They received about 1,000 entries for the contest, so competition is pretty fierce. I say “good luck” to all who entered, and may the best writers / artists win!

I also, as always, have some secret projects in the work as well. I will be sharing more about them in time, but right now my primary focus is on launching Albert the Alien.

I also did a lot of conventions in 2012:

  • Anime Milwaukee (guest)
  • C2E2 (guest)
  • Anime Central (guest)
  • Summit City Con
  • Mid-Ohio Con
  • Wizard World Chicago
  • NYCC (guest)
  • Kollision Con (guest)

I have been invited to even more conventions in 2013, however I am trying to reduce the number of appearances this year so I can also focus on planning my wedding for later this year. So far, my confirmed appearances in 2013 are:

Anime Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI
February 15-17

Chicago, IL
April 26-28

Rosemont, IL
May 17-19

Anime Mid-West
Rosemont, IL
July 5-7

Anime Iowa
Coralville, IA
July 26-28

Wizard World Chicago
Rosemont, IL
August 8-11

2013 is already off to being another strong year in comics, and I’m looking forward to sharing it with each and every one of you!

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