Albert the Alien Chapter 3 Page 3
Still on the roof, the kids spot something unidentified flying towards our planet. One might even call it an unidentified flying object (UFO). And the teacher thinks that it could mean our DOOM!
I struggled quite a bit with this story when I first came up with the concept for it, since it was such a heavy topic – an unknown object heading towards our planet that could potentially end all life as we know it. In order to pull it off, you need to care about the characters – character is key for me in any story, and the role they all play and react. I knew I wanted to expand on the world Albert and friends lived in, and this story kept growing and growing beyond it’s original scope.
So I had to pull back a bit, focus on introducing the new characters who were important (you’ll meet them in the coming pages), and on the history of how Humans and Aliens met. Focus on story, character, and the jokes – this was key to me, and helped me edit all of my ideas down into what this story became.
While this story is for kids, it’s overall theme is universal – and I think that’s what makes all ages stories timeless. I can only hope Albert achieves such a prestigious honor someday, but mostly I’m just happy when someone laughs at the jokes contained within the story’s pages.
Speaking of which, there are a few announcements:
1) In case you missed it, Albert the Alien is now also available on THRILLBENT! The story updates every Tuesday on that site, and will also continue to update on here every Wednesday and Friday in the usual vertical format.
2) You (or someone you know) can appear in this and a future issue of Albert the Alien. See the details below the vote button.
3) Speaking of voting, thanks to your daily votes, Albert the Alien is currently in the top 200 webcomic sites on Top Web Comics! That’s no small feat for a comic that just launched in April, 2013. Thanks so much for the support, and please remember to vote daily!
4) On a personal note, I’m getting married! Tomorrow (Oct 19, 2013), my fiancee and I will become husband and wife in the subburbs of Chicago. Gabe will be there, sketching away on comic pages no doubt (but don’t worry – I make him take a break for cake during the reception).
That’s about it for this installment. See you next week!
It’s not too late to appear in a future story of Albert the Alien! We offer roles for teachers, parents, and students in this comic all the time on our facebook page. And if you’re an adult but want to appear as a student, Gabe can easily design you to appear as a younger version of yourself.
ISSUE 3 opportunities (this very issue):
4 adult scientists
ISSUE 4 opportunities (the final chapter for this story arc, New in School):
1 human hall monitor
3 robot hall monitors
1 teacher
Have your name appear on a VERY IMPORTANT wall (limit 4)
If you’re interested, please message Gabe or myself on here for pricing.