Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 21

Happy Halloween! And welcome to this Friday’s Albert the Alien where a rivalry within the school appears to have begun! Trying to steal some thunder from Albert’s recent victory, [...]


Convention Review: New York Comic Con 2014

No doubt by now you’ve seen the news that New York Comic Con (NYCC) has become the largest comic convention in the USA! Incredible news, and it would be this happens the same year I return [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 20

Albert the Alien is back at school, but not everyone’s happy to see him. Flip and Patricia are not impressed that Albert is getting a lot of popularity and attention from all of his deeds. [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 19

It’s Friday, and that means another Albert the Alien! And it’s a doozy! Albert and the gang have defeated their rival school, The Mammoths, and have won back their school mascot. [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 18

It’s down to the final seconds, and only Gerty and Albert the Alien remain…. Facing off against their rival school, The Mammoths, Albert the Alien and friends have taken a beating in [...]


Convention Report: Cincinnati Comic Expo 2014

I was invited out as a guest for a show I’ve never done before, Cincinnati Comic Expo (not to be confused with Cincinnati Comic Con, which is something totally different). The show was a [...]


Convention Review: Wizard World Chicago 2014

This past weekend was Wizard World Chicago, another local show for me and one of my favorite shows of the year – usually because, in year’s past, sales have been so high for me. [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 17

Wally tries to do today what Wally does best – cut and run! However, this doesn’t work out to his advantage. For one thing, the bumper saucers only appear to work within the zone of [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 16

The rival schools are in a heated battle (in an alien game of bumper saucers)! With the Mammoths in control of the ball, we see them unleash their mean streak – and take out some of our [...]


Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 15

Happy Friday, and welcome to the first annual (maybe) Bumper Saucer games! We have rivals on the field, and in the commentary box. I tried to give each of our Kickstarter backers equal screen [...]

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