Trevor Interview: Keeping It Geekly podcast

 In comics, Interviews

World at War Comics Interview - Trevor Mueller

I’m back on Keeping It Geekly!

We’re in the final two weeks of the LOS OJOS campaign on Zoop, so I’m doing a lot of press, interviews, and talking about the book (because I know you’re going to love it, and you should totally check it out!).

This time I chatted with Cody over at Keeping it Geekly – and Cody is always a great interviewer, high energy, and a lot of fun to talk to.

Check out the interview above, and please support the campaign (if you can) and share the link (it helps so much)!

Check out LOS OJOS on Zoop!

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Ben Templesmith cover for LOS OJOS vol 1Trevor Mueller on Comic Crusaders