@$$hole!: Phone Call 4

 In web comics

And so we find ourselves in a situation where we have inserted our foot into our mouth. Granted, it could’ve been a much funnier scene if I had the time to play with it more, but to be honest this is a bit of a transition story arc. It transitions between story arcs. Also, I had just beaten a game I had been playing for over a year.

In pieces. A game I had been playing for a year in pieces. Not in a single sitting. I have a life. Or something that resembles a life.

Speaking of life, around this time every year my family and I go “camping” out at a state park in Indiana. I put “camping” in quotes because we’re in cabins with cable TV. It’s camping with cable.

However, it’s also an opportunity for more photos. Perhaps a haunted cabin story. Perhaps an Evil Dead parody. You’ll have to wait to see.

Have a great weekend!

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  • Albone

    The Phone Call bits have been excellent. 😀

  • trevor

    @Albone: Thanks, man. Glad you’ve been enjoying them. The funny thing is that they’re from actual real conversations…just not real phone calls. 😉

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