So there will not be a comic update this week, due to moving. Moving is a serious condition which requires a lot of time, effort, and is then followed by unpacking. Unfortunately, while I’ve been doing all this, I haven’t had time to work on the comic. The good news is I have 5 pages illustrated and scanned in. The bad news is my computer is not even hooked up yet.
I do anticipate having the comic update next week, but this week it’s just not going to be possible. Apologies to my fans and readers, but there’s going to be some fun pages coming up on the coat-tails of the Haunted Cabin story arc that just ended.
Additionally, I’m working on several other projects to get more books on the table at shows this year. Albert the Alien has a new book coming out in April, and also will appear once again in the Reading with Pictures Graphic Textbook. Additionally, I’m working on my first horror comic project – which I’ve been pretty hush-hush about so far, as it continues to come together. More on that, later.
So yes, lots of great comic projects in the works. Please tune in next week Wednesday for comic updates. Hope you have a great week!