Movie Review: Safe House

 In movie review

Movie Review: Safe House (2012)
Director: Daniel Espinosa
Cast: Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Brendan Gleeson, Sam Shepard, Robert Patrick
Plot: Matt Weston (Reynolds) was trying to work his way up through the ranks of the CIA…by working in a safe house that sees little to no “house guests.” He knows if he can just get a chance, he can show it superiors he’s ready for field work.

Enter Tobin Frost (Washington): an ex-CIA operative who is wanted for espionage all over the world for selling government secrets. While in the middle of a deal to buy more secrets, Tobin’s contact is killed and Tobin turns himself in to the US Consulate. They of course take him to the nearest safe house for questioning and safe keeping – which happens to be Matt’s safe house.

Upon arriving, the safe house is attacked by an unknown group. Matt escapes with Tobin, who convinces him that this was an inside job. The thrill ride of the year follows, filled with violent action and non-stop adventure until it’s (unfortunately predictable) conclusion.

This flick is a non-stop action / heart-pounding thrill ride throughout. Denzel is on his A-game as the experienced spy and manipulator of people, and Reynolds does a good job mixing it up by playing the not-experienced but knowledgeable CIA agent who’s trying to prove himself and stay alive at the same time.

There are a few twists and turns throughout the plot, some of which just work to extend the run time of the movie and others that drop your jaw and make you want this movie to go on for longer. The action pieces are great, with bloody shoot outs and fierce combat. There are few moments where the action slows down, which does hurt our ability to connect to these characters better, but the journey they take does give us enough of a glimpse into their personal lives and provides insight into their motivations.

The plot is pretty simple, with a predictable (but enjoyable) ending. Definitely worth watching, probably worth owning. If you like some seriously some bad ass action and some great performances from some incredibly talented actors, you need to see this movie.

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