Albert the Alien Chapter 6 Page 3
Happy Labor Day (to our American readers; Happy Friday to everyone else)! Following up on Wednesday’s update, Albert is confused on who (or what) the Mammoths are. Well, we get our explanation on this page…and we don’t like them!
The Mammoths are the rival school to our heroes Heston Heights, which their mascot is the Apes. Mammoths and Apes sounded like an epic battle, and our story is headed towards a Homecoming event – where the two rival schools would be head-to-head in an epic battle for dominance.
I remember my homecoming games with our school rivals (we were the Hornets, they were the Dreadnaughts) were very tense. We would all hang out under the bleachers on our side, and eventually work up the courage to go over to the rival side of the field and heckle their fans. It would almost always lead to something dastardly happening – someone throwing insults (or fists) before an adult broke it up. I also remember having a lot of fun climbing on the bleachers during the games, and then spending way too much on candy at the concession stands…
What were your homecoming games like? Who was your mascot, and who was your rival school’s mascot?
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