@$$hole!: Blind Date 6

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My Site and Drunk Duck

The waiter is played by Erica’s real-life boyfriend, Mike Ambs. Mike has worked in video editing for various websites, and recently moved to the Ann Arbor area…of course, after I left the state. 😛

He’s an awesome guy and was tons of fun to work with. Very open to my direction and ideas, and even had a slew of his own to contribute. Very creative individual, and I encourage you all to follow him on twitter. He also has a flikr account, but I can’t think of the url off the top of my head.

Well, I’m at Wizard World Chicago already. So if you’re there (or in the area), be sure to stop by. I’m not exhibiting this year, but I’ll be shaking hands and kissing babies on the floor all day, doing a few panels at night, and will certainly be in the Hyatt bar after hours for a drink. Stop by, say hello to the bald man with bad posture (me).

Also, if you haven’t done so yet, be sure to check out Erica Hampton’s website, as she’s the awesome person both taking the pictures and playing the Crazy Cat Loving Lady (who will have a name soon).

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