@$$hole!: Eewbies
I was riding the train home from work trying to find inspiration around me, when I saw someone standing on the platform that wearing something that I didn’t want to see them wearing. Being the respectful and mature person that I am I thought to myself, “Eeeeeeeeeewwww, those are some gross boobies.”
And then I got to thinking about people on the internet, and their fascination with gross things. Like two girls and a cup (don’t google search it). And then “eewbies” where born.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately, I’ve been swamped trying to launch my first non-self published work. Reading with Pictures is an anthology that I have an 8-page story in, and it’s available at your local comic store today. And if they don’t have it, order it! It has some amazing stories from various creators throughout the industry, including Jill Thompson, Russell Lissau, John Bivens, Joe Dunn and Phil Chan, and many others. Myself among them.
If you pre-ordered your copy through kickstarter, you’re awesome. They should be arriving in the mail soon.
I’ll be at Challengers this weekend for the kick-off party, and we’ll have the world premiere of the book at Wizard World Chicago (Chicago Comic Con) at the end of the month.
Be sure to ask for the book from your local comic store. It’s going to be an awesome read!