Convention Report: ACEN 2017

Continuing with the summary reports of the cons (as opposed to the full convention reports, because I had fallen behind on my blogging, focusing instead on making comic content these past few [...]


Convention Report: Anime Milwaukee 2017 p1

My first convention of the year – which is a show I commonly start my year with – was Anime Milwaukee, and it never disappoints. This weekend is, and does, set my bar for the year on [...]


Convention Report: ACEN 2016 (Part 3 of 3)

The final day of a convention is always the hardest to get up for. It’s been a lot of fun, but exhausting. You’re tired. You’re sleep deprived. You’ve been going to bed [...]


Convention Report: ACEN 2016 (Part 1 of 3)

Spring is the time of year that brings more temperate temperatures, some warmer sun (but a little rain, too), and yes – Anime Central! The second largest animation convention in the [...]


ACEN 2011

If this is your first time to my website: welcome. To those of you returning to the site after seeing one of my panels or meeting me at the anime show last weekend (or just returning in general): [...]


Convention Review: C2E2 2011

Sorry it’s a little late (I was updating blogs about making comics, fer goodness sake), but finally here’s the entry about C2E2. THURSDAY: After a long hard day at the office, I [...]


Anime Milwaukee 2011

Looking for something to do Feb 18-20? Come visit Anime Milwaukee 2011! Last year the show saw tons of growth, but what’s nice is that it’s not an over-whelming show for people [...]


@$$hole!: Convention Season 11

The fight between Alan and Trevor concludes! **SPOILERS** Alan wins the day because, in the end, he brought a water bottle to a fist fight. Throughout technology superior technology has usually [...]


Convention Report: Mid Ohio Con 2010

This was the 30th anniversary of Mid Ohio Con, the second time I’ve attended the show, the first time I’ve attended as a guest…and also my birthday weekend. So there was a hefty [...]


@$$hole!: Convention Season 6

Sometimes when talking to fellow creators who do their own art (and some of the ones who don’t), they’re curious about the photo comic process. I like doing the photos because it is [...]

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