Convention Report: Anime Midwest 2016 (Part 1)

Summer time is convention season, and the midwest is a fun place to hit up a good con. And what better named con could there be than Anime Midwest? I was back as a guest of honor at this awesome [...]


Los Ojos Trade – pre-orders

My latest story, LOS OJOS, is being collected in a graphic novel that will be available at your local comic store! Artwork by Francesco Iaquinta. It will be collected with several awesome stories [...]


Convention Report: ACEN 2016 (Part 3 of 3)

The final day of a convention is always the hardest to get up for. It’s been a lot of fun, but exhausting. You’re tired. You’re sleep deprived. You’ve been going to bed [...]


Convention Report: C2E2 2016

My second convention (in a row) in March was in my own backyard of Chicago, C2E2! Typically for this show, I run the Reading with Pictures booth (this year the table was across from the Jelly [...]


Convention Report: Anime Milwaukee 2016

2016 is off to a solid start with the first con I usually do during a given year (although this time, they pushed the con back from Valentine’s Day weekend to March…so it was warmer [...]


Convention Report: Count-i-Con 2015

Every year I try to do different conventions, so as to mix up where I go and the audience I reach with my books. It also keeps things fresh for me, which is always nice to try something new. This [...]


Convention Report: Anime Midwest 2015

July 4th is a time of fun, family, BBQ, and explosions in the United States. That’s right, it’s independence day! But instead of celebrating my freedom in this country by blowing up a [...]


Convention Report: Anime Milwaukee 2015

Valentine’s Day weekend I spent with some of the most awesome convention attendees, staffers, and volunteers a guy could ever hope to work with – much less actually get to work with! [...]


Convention Report: Anime Iowa 2014

I attend a lot of conventions, and I love meeting fans – both long-time and first-time. And I love making new friends at shows, too. But there’s something great about being able to do [...]


Convention Report: C2E2 2014

C2E2 has come and gone once again, but as the largest local show I attend it was once again an amazing time – and my most profitable year at the show to date! With that said, let’s go [...]