I was a guest of honor at Anime Midwest this past weekend, along with friends and fellow comic creators Russell Lissau (Strawberry Shortcake, Shrek), Steve Horton (Amala’s Blade), Alan [...]
So my final show for the year was Kollision Con, put on by several of the same people who have helped make ACEN my favorite show to date. And let me say, this show was awesome. Great [...]
Like the comic says, I’m a guest of honor this weekend at Kollision Con. Other guests include fellow comic creator (and my good personal friend) Russell Lissau, as well as Johnny Young [...]
A while back (Anime Milwaukee, in fact) I was a guest at the show with Doug Walker (www.thatguywiththeglasses.com) and he has a series of Artist Alley interviews and videos at the shows he [...]