The old man narrator continues to talk to the mysterious person in the room with him. The person he’s been narrating to this whole time. Who could it be? We’ll find out before this [...]
Sorry for not posting last week. Olivia got the page to me on time, but I was swamped and unable to get it posted before Monday. To give her enough lead time on the rest of the pages [...]
So after a night of passionate lovemaking, Seymour and Marielle pack up their things and walk off into the sunset. Xen makes another appearance (without actually appearing) over the walkie [...]
Marielle continues to fight off the Bishops in the marketplace, trying to rescue Seymour. Sorry for not updating the page last week, but I’ve been slowly trying to recover from ACEN (such a [...]
So a lot’s been going on in my world lately, and sadly I’m not able to get into details on many of the items, but there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that I find [...]
My Site. VOTE! Anime Milwaukee was a blast. I’m totally exhausted, but had a fun time hanging out with Alan at the table and being on panels and meeting all the cool people who attended. [...]
My Site VOTE! So it looks like Kidjo was delayed on his way to take out Portis, which is why Sophia and Selphi got there first (see Hikari). And since Marielle and Kidjo have met in person, this [...]
My Site VOTE! Kidjo (the man with beady eyes) appears to be Marielle’s employer. And we know who he works for (hint: Cardinal Milikin). So if we didn’t already know, Milikin’s [...]